Practical Legal Solutions For Complex Problems

Pittsburg Probate Attorney

Estate administration, which is also commonly referred to as probate, is a court-supervised legal process by which a decedent’s assets are passed on to beneficiaries after his or her death. This simple explanation, however, belies just how complicated the process can actually be in Kansas – even for smaller-sized estates.

I’m Mark A. Werner. I am a probate attorney with more than 30 years of experience helping people in southeast Kansas to navigate our state’s probate requirements and avoid the pitfalls that can make this process much more time-consuming, complicated and costly than it needs to be.

What I offer as a lawyer is knowledgeable probate law guidance and efficient, professional service – i.e., a practical solution that will allow you to focus on working your way through the grieving process and moving forward with life rather than on dealing with legal issues.

Simplified Probate, Full Probate And Ancillary Probate

Kansas has three basic types of probate – simplified probate, full probate and ancillary probate. Simplified probate is just what the name implies but these proceedings, termed a “Refusal to Grant Letters of Administration” and a “Determination of Descent” can only be used if certain conditions are satisfied.

Full probate proceedings are required whenever an estate does not qualify for simplified probate and the decedent was a Kansas resident at the time of his or her death. The basic outline of steps involved include:

  • Filing a petition with the appropriate probate court
  • Appointment of the personal representative (executor)
  • Public notification to creditors, heirs, beneficiaries, etc.
  • Collecting, inventorying and appraising all of the decedent’s assets
  • Paying/settling valid claims against the estate, including claims made by legitimate creditors, any due estate taxes, and estate administration expenses
  • Distribution of any remaining assets in accordance with the decedent’s will or Kansas’ intestacy statutes

The last basic type is ancillary probate, which is necessary if a decedent who is a resident of another state dies and his or her estate includes real property situated in Kansas or some other type of immovable asset located here (oil or mineral rights, for example).

I handle all types of probate proceedings in Kansas, as well as solutions for avoiding probate whenever possible and probate-related litigation.

Serving Individuals And Families Throughout Southeast Kansas

My law office is located in the city of Pittsburg, in Crawford County, but my clients come from all walks of life and all parts of southeast Kansas. Wherever you are and whatever your particular probate need, I can help and would welcome the opportunity to speak with you.

To make this happen, just call 620-206-4082 or complete my online contact form.